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If only we see the reasons why things happen the way they do... maybe then we could make better use of the time we share with others. But more often than not, time falls too short and we are only left with our own collection the memories we cherish so much. Cainen you are missed by all of us. We will never forget you and the ways in which you touched our lives.  Once you told me you couldn't wait for me to visit because I was such a cool and fun uncle, I always kept that close to me. And I have to say I looked forward to seeing you and yours with every visit i made. By the way, say hello to Pader & Jay for me ...will ya?    Remember.... The love runs deep!
wow where do I start,cainen told me once we would probably be best friends if i wasn't married to his mom, then he laughed the way he did, he said it was wierd having a step-dad that was close to his age.  He had such a way with words.  I will miss him.

Well in the past 12 years I have had many good memories that I will hold on to for as long as I live!! I think the best and most important is seeing Cainen with his children!! He was an awsome dad and no one could have loved his kids and family more!! There wasnt anything Cain wouldn't do for us and that will be missed!! It was so hard to watch the kids start school without him, and know that he would have never wanted to miss all the things in their lives he will never get to see!! Cainen, we love you and miss you so much it hurts!! I hate getting up to start a day without you and I hate ending them without you!! You are the first thought in my mind and the last one before I fall asleep!! I will love you always and forever!! You will always be in my heart and I hope you will help guide me with our kids!! I know our love can and will last a life time even though you are gone!! Miss you and love you so much, and I hope I do you proud!!


 Love you with all my heart,



I remember when I was a little kid and I was over at grandma Crady's, he and Beau introduced me to the thing kids are forbidden to drink... soda! Dr. Pepper at that! I wish I couldve seen you sooner.. Ill see you again one day, we all will. Rest in Piece Cain.



My sweet first born child.  


What an absolute joy you have been in my life.  I will carry you in my heart for as long as I live and I will do everything in my power to honor your memory and those you loved. You were taken from me much too soon and no one knows the reason why but God.  I will have the chance to ask him one day and see your beautiful face when we meet again.  Until then, know that not one day passes without you in my thoughts and prayers.   I will love you...............always       MOM



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