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История жизни
Декабрь 11, 1974

My beloved son entered this world mid afternoon on a Wednesday.  He was an average sized baby and soon grew into a beautiful child.  A very curious boy with an appetite for exploration.  He had a rebel attitude from the time he could walk and was always getting into mischief.  But, my God was he adorable.


When his younger brother came along at 3 1/2 yrs old, he couldn't have been more proud.  He played "big brother" to the max from day one.  Always doting on Beau and trying to play with him.  He loved helping me with his care.


Cainen continued to grow both in size and intelligence.  He was a very booksmart kid and did well in school.  By the time he reached high school, his love for music was well set within his very soul. He played trumpet in the marching band and also learned guitar.  His interest in playing drums developed after he was out of school and he dedicated his heart and soul to music. Playing instruments, writing and singing and was the drummer for a local band. (SWITCHBACK)


Cainen became a father at a young age......but what an awesome Dad he became. His family meant everything to him and the fact that he had little contact with his oldest son, Cody was a constant and neverending pain in his life. He spent most of his adulthood with a very cool lady, Jessica Buttram and together they produced 2 more beautiful children.  Little Cainen and MaKenzie.


Cainen left this world all too soon, and we all wonder why he had to go. One day that question will be answered for us when we join him again in Heaven.  For now, anyone who spent any time getting to know him and his generous heart is a much better person for it and I am so very proud that God chose me of all the women in the world to have the honor and priviledge to be his MOM.

Декабрь 11, 1974
Born in on December 11, 1974.
Август 9, 2009
Passed away on August 9, 2009 at the age of 34.
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